Stackz Download

Latest release: Stackz 7.1.02








Stackz - The next level of flashcard learning!

Stackz - Dictionary Edition

Includes the full Stackz functionality, including dictionaries for Japanese and Chinese.

Full install version: 9.8 MB, 49$

Stackz - Standard Edition

Same as above, but without Japanese and Chinese dictionary tools . This means:

  • no Dictionary dialog,
  • no Japanese KanjiInfo dialog,
  • no Japanese KanjiSelect Dialog,
  • no Textpad,
  • no inplace Kana to Kanji conversion (native OS IME input is supported)
Full install version: 8.9 MB, 35$

MindDate Software upgrade policy: Lifetime free upgrades for all licensed users!


Manual files
All manual files (in pdf format) are part of the installation version.
The files can be read/downloaded individually here:
Tutorials: pdf (390KB)
User Manual: pdf (1.7MB) - read online
Dictionary Integration: pdf (770KB) - read online
System requirements Win XP or Vista, Pentium processor 1GHz recommended, 256 colors, mouse or other pointing device, 15 MB free HD space
Shareware Restrictions 30 days evaluation. No functional restrictions, but nag-screen and "UNREGISTERED VERSION" in window titles. Files from the online archive or generated with the List Import Wizard can not be saved, no restrictions on other created files.
Registration Please use the quickbuy buttons above (secure order page).
Language options - Japanese
  • Stackz allows direct input and display Japanese characters on western Windows versions if the correct language extensions are installed.
  • Stackz has a convenient interface to EDICT and KANJIDIC files which are not delivered with this package. Check the links-section for more information.
Language options - Chinese
  • Stackz allows direct input and display Chinese characters on western Windows versions if the correct language extensions are installed.
  • Stackz has a convenient interface to the CEDICT files which are not delivered with this package. Check the links-section for more information.
Language options - Korean
  • Stackz allows direct input and display Korean characters on western Windows versions if the correct language extensions are installed.

Get a 50% discount on a license!

The online archive with vocabulary files is still growing! The files from the archive are freely accessible, but a full Stackz license is required to save the modifications. If you are willing to share some of your existing vocabulary files with us and if the quality of your material matches our conditions, you may get a 50% discount on the Stackz license. You can get a free two month license to create a new list. See the list creation program page for further information.


History of releases
v 7.1.02
3. November 2008
Directly edit defined skills
Correctly double the duplicated repetition interval on continuous successes in level 5
Correctly display the color band color
Color band inclusion sliders are consistent after settings changes
KanjiSelect dialog kanji encoding correct in all situations now
v 7.1.01
12. October 2008
Display of Japanese text in dictionary tools corrected
v 7.1
6. October 2008
Learn Dialog: automatically replacing removed entries is optional now
RepeatAdvisor ColorMode: Repetition Interval is doubled on each success in level 5
Rename lessons with single click on lesson name
Dictionary kanji search without index
Dictionary index generation improved
Dictionary query performance with "exact match" flag
Correct Linefeed in exported lists
... and some other small fixes and improvements.
v 7.0
22. March 2008

Major upgrade with a completely new gui and a new tool called "Retention Manager".

v 2006
15. Jan 2006

Hindi support
Automatically trim leading and trailing blanks of attributes
The new Stackz Options dialog avoids menu clutter
Paper flashcards printed correctly
Persistent Test size and learn size
Cancel during inplace edit in Stack Edit Dialog
...and many other small fixes

v 2005 v3
5. Sept 2005
Files are saved correctly with shortcut ctrl-s.
v 2005 v2
13. August 2005
The new Reset Languages button in the Select Languages Dialog restores the original language setup.
Choosing a different font sometimes corrupted the Japanese display.
v 2005
18. Mai 2005
A new competitively priced Stackz edition is available now: Stackz Standard Edition. It has no Dictionary dialog, no Japanese KanjiInfo dialog, no Japanese KanjiSelect Dialog, no Textpad, and no inplace Kana to Kanji conversion (OS IME input is supported).

Other news, for both Standard Edition and Dictionary Edition:
Unified file format for PC and PPC Stackz
Display UNICODE text
Export lists in Unicode UTF8 format
New ColorMode 'Defined Order'
Undo Button
Bigger text size on printed flashcards
Dictionary tools improvements
Unsorted stacks for randomized test/learn sequence
v 2.1b
2. April 2005
Possible failure of Copy/Paste of entries containing linefeeds.
'Reset entire file' and deleting entries in the same Stackz session can lead to a crash.
Removing modified entries from the StackEdit dialog is ineffective.
v 2.1a
2. Jan 2005

Recommended update with a couple of small fixes.
Bigger fonts of printed flashcards
Web link corrected
Rare dictionary query error fixed
Mandarin analyze function of dictionary made more robust
Menu acccelerators added
Corrected resizing of inplace edit controls after pasting text

v 2.1 final
29. Nov 2004

PocketStackz integration
MultiLanguage Concept
IME support for Full Korean and Chinese, incl PinYin input method
Mandarin dictionary integration
Skill selection
Improved LearnDialog - use your right hand for test writing with pen and paper
v 2.0g
13. Aug 2004
Learn Dialog fix: Under certain circumstances, 'Declare as known' moved the wrong entries to the right side.
v 2.0f
6. May 2004
Stack Edit Dialog fixes:
- Counter in window caption corrected
- Editing on Win9x: TAB key behavior corrected
v 2.0e
1. May 2004
small fixes and updates
Stack Edit Dialog allows simpler input using the TAB and INS keys.
v 2.0d
15. March 2004
small fixes and updates
Order of displayed entries was not always in the desired order.
v 2.0c
29. Feb 2004

fixes for release 2.0b
Declaring an entry in the rightmost level as known could sometimes bring the card attributes out of sync. This bug was introduced with a small improvement of v2.0b.
v 2.0b
21. Feb 2004

small fixes for release 2.0.
Japanese text is copied to clipboard as UNICODE on NT/2000/XP.
This ensures correct pasting of the text in other applications.
New import filter: import entries from UNICODE UTF8 formatted text files. This allows to mix languages in the file, e.g. Japanese and French accented characters (the font of the attribute must be set accordingly in the Stackz document before importing the file).
v 2.0 final
12. Oct 2003
v2.0 final released
Help files added
v 2.0 rc9
14. Sept 2003
LearnDialog: The "Shuffle" function did not work properly if the dialog was opened on a stack with fewer items than the LocalStackSize.
LearnDialog, TestDialog: A vertical scrollbar is now displayed if the attribute text does not fit in the textbox.
v 2.0 rc8
7. Sept 2003
The "Save file" toolbar icon in the Stack Edit Dialog could cause duplicate entries or even crashes.
v 2.0 rc7
31. Aug 2003
31. August 2003 - Functionality of Stackz 2.0 completed.
v 2.0 rc5
16. Aug 2003

- Rectangular stack area selection
with mouse: move the mouse whith left button pressed
wiith keyboard: use arrow keys with shift key pressed

- some small fixes
v 2.0 rc4
11. Aug 2003

- Edit multiple stacks in one window, find duplicates and word search function
- Learn and Test dialog allow on-the-fly edit of current entry

- 2 more color modes:
1) RepeatAdvisor (color represents the customizable need to refresh)
2) SuccessCount (color represents the number of successful tests).

- Individual color scaling for ColorModes (customizable)
- Reserved color (grey) for untested words
- MatchDlg allows to exclude entire columns
- Intuitive symbols on arrow buttons in tool dialogs

... and many small enhancements more!
v 2.0 beta 8
9. June 2003

The new features definitely justify to use out this new version (stable quality, but no installer and no documentation).

Possibility to open a tool dialog on the entire file, where the order of presentation of the entries depends on the current color mode. There are three different color modes now:
1) RefreshDate (the Stackz standard mode)
2) SuccessRatio (color represents the ratio known/unknown)
3) FailureCount (color represents the number of failures).

See a screenshot with the new menu here.

Automatic text resizing in tool dialogs
Direct link from tool dialogs into corresponding option pages
v 2.0 beta 4
6. April 2003

- All tool dialogs (test, learn, match) can be opened on multiple stacks now, where the oldest words from all selected stacks are processed first. Extremely useful to test all stacks in an entire file, or to learn all the words in the "unknown" column with one activity.
- New file option: Unknown cards can be sent to the leftmost stack instead of the next stack to the left (Leitner flashcard system).
v 2.0 beta 3
15. Feb. 2003
- IME support stable now.
- Match Dialog completed.
- Learn Dialog uses colors to visualize state of items.
... and many small enhancements.
v 2.0 beta 1
1. Jan. 2003
- in beta 1: Entering kanji has become very simple with the added IME support on non-Japanese Windows. Tested on Windows 2000 and Windows ME, but should work on 98/ME/NT4/2000/XP (Please report your experiences on your platform).

Known limitations in 2.0 beta 1:
The normal kanji input works stable, but there are still problems with the advanced input tools on NT4/2000 where the kanji are not inserted correctly. Also, when entering ASCII characters with the IME, the inserted text is sometimes doubled.
v 2.0 alpha 3
14. Nov. 2002

- in alpha 3: New Tool called "Match Dialog".

- Reworked Test and Learn Dialogs. Dialogs are fully resizeable now, using automatically resizing fonts.

- Kanji Select Dialog shows results in bigger list (small issue with selection to be fixed).
- Dictionary: Analyze of text improved, detection of adjectives and katakana added.
- Edit stack window shows color of each entry.
- Sorting state of the columns is visualized with icons (Stack Edit dialog and Dictionary).
- Import and Export filters improved.
- Office XP style menus.
- ... and many internal fixes and reworks!
v 1.2
The latest full release.

- Relative date in color band instead of absolute dates as option.
- New In-place conversion to kanji of hiragana text in all text edit controls.
- New Integrated TextPad.
- First version of a radical selection dialog in KanjiSelect dialog.
- New Common entries filter in Dictionary dialog (EDICT 2001 and later).
- EDICT entry classifications are displayed in Dictionary dialog.
- Improved text analyze function, conjugated verbs and adjectives are detected now.
- LicenseKey directly editable for easier upgrade to full license.
- Simplified evaluation mode: no more calculations in nag-screen.
- Entries in StackEditDialog are sortable by clicking on the header (4 states).
- Bigger multiline edit controls for all attributes in TestDlg and LearnDlg.
- Floating tooltip window displays content of long lines in Dictionary and StackEditDlg, text is selectable with mouse and context menu (right mouse button) available.
- HTML help added to the release.
- Print list: Header line added on each page.
- Propagate Options among Stackz documents menu command added.
... and many other small improvements!
v 1.11a
- Bug fixed: Internal license state was reset on some actions. ( This bugfix only concerns users with a full license!)
v 1.11
- New file format, necesary for reading files from the Stackz archive. Backward compatible, old files can still be read.
- Appearance modified, column headers with names (unknown/bad/neutral/good/known).
- Minor internal modifications
v 1.1
- Features of KanjiBrowze 1.1 also available in Stackz.
v 1.0
- initial release

